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Consistent appropriatetion in setting expectations andresponse to student misbehavior, thatmonitoring behavior; establishes rulesis respectful of students, is planned.that support the internalization ofdemocratic values in the classroom;plans for monitoring of studentbehavior is subtle and preventive;response to student behavior issensitive to individual students' needs.Organizing PhysicalThe classroom's physical arrangementThe classroom is safe, and students Spacesupports the learning activities;help ensure that the physicalstandard safety procedures in theenvironment supports the learning ofphysical environment are apparent,all students.resulting in students' abilities tocomplete activities without risk ofphysical harm; learning is accessibleto all students.Communicating withA systematic plan for communicationFrequent and sensitive communication Families/Caregiverswith families/caregivers about studentswith families/caregivers is established;is evident; engagement of families/families/caregivers are successfullycaregivers in the instructional programpartnered in the instructional program;is invited/initiated with documentationstudents participate in activities toof family responses.communicate with families/caregivers.     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 $          % % % % " !% %    %   T  UUAA Lhinappropriate.    % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T ;UUAA LOrganizing Physical Space !      % T<\UUAA<Lt(2.19k-2.22k, 2.18s)       % % TT9VUUAA9LPDTTUUAALPCTTnUUAAnLPE% % " !% %    % % % % " !% %   L% % % % %   T$ KUUAA $LSafety and Arrangement of Furniture:  %   % TlXJUUAA0L Fails to use standard safety procedures in the            % % % % " !% %    % % % " !% %   P  T P~UUAA PLxphysical environment.   $ % % " !% %    % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA 8LAccessibility to Learning and Use of Physical Resources:           % T~UUAAL The physical arrangement    $ % % % % " !% %    %   T\ kUUAA XLdoes not support learning of all students. Some aspects of the lesson may be physically          $      $    % T PUUAA Linaccessible for some students.     $    % % % % % " !% %    P% % % % %   T< WOUUAA (LCommunicating with Families/Caregivers %%   !  %    % TX'LUUAAX' Ld(4.1k-4.2k)     % % TT9 VOUUAA9LPDTT OUUAALPCTTn OUUAAnLPE% % " !% %    % % % % " !% %   T% % % % %   TT TUUAA S,LInformation about the Instructional Program: %      %% T\TUUAAT-L Provides little or no information about how       $   % % % % " !% %    %   T UUAA FL(s)he will inform families/caregivers about the instructional program.   $ $         $ % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T0 UUAA &LInformation about Individual Students: %      % TUUAA3L Provides little or no information about how (s)he       $    % % % % " !% %    %   T }UUAA ALwill contact families/caregivers about their individual children.   $            % % % % % " !% %   $T% % % % %   T $SUUAA #?LEngagement of Families/Caregivers in the Instructional Program:%  %        %% T$fRUUAA$Lp Makes few or no #   % % % % " !% %    % % % " !% %   X  T XUUAA XaLattempts to provide for involvement of families/caregivers in regard to the instructional program $       $  $           $% % " !% %    %   T UUAA Land/or classroom activities.   $    % % % % % " !% %   % % % % %   T UUAA LtStandard English:    % TUUAAGLDisplays a lack of understanding, use and modeling of Standard English.           $       % % % % " !% %    % % " !% %   $   T k# UUAA LSuggestions for Improvement:   %%% % " !% %    Rp Arial&&x[wHo0n dn0Arial1' &ww \nI0dv% % % " !% %    8   TP j UUAA VL D = Developing; C=Competent; E=Exemplary          % % " !% %      TA  UUAAA DL Descriptors for C and E on the following page.               % % " !% %    '% (   &% +6+<% Ld+.;+4!??% +t6+% Ld+t.+t4!??% +|6+% Ld+|.+|4!??% +6+% Ld+.+4!??% h6 % Ldh h` !??% l6 % Ldl l\ !??%  6 % Ld  G!??% l6% Ldll!??%  6 % Ld   C!??% 6% Ld!??% + 6+T% Ld+ .S+ 4!??% 8 68 % Ld8 ; 8 C!??% h6h% Ldhkh!??% 6% Ld!??% 868% Ld8;8!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld !??% p6p% Ldpsp!??% 6% Ld!??%  6 % Ld  !??% t6t% Ldtwt!??% 6% Ld!??% x6x% Ldx{x!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% |6|% Ld||!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??% P6P% LdPSP!??% 6% Ld!??%  6 % Ld # !??% 6% Ld!??% 6% Ld!??%  6 % Ld   !??%  6 % Ld   !??%  6 % Ld   !??% ( % " !%    % ( ( ( ( ( ( " F4(EMF+*@$??FEMF+@ ObjInfo WorkbookWASummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8 FBa=6 = !8X1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial"$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)!"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\)""$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)'""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)7*2_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_).))_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)?,:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)6+1_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)                + ) , *     (@  ( @  (@  (  (  (@  (  (    (@@ 8@ 8@@  (@@  (@  ( @  "8@   ( @      (@   (   (   (  "8   (@   (   (  "8   h@@    h@    h @   "8@ @   (@@   (@   h @   h@   h    h@    h    (@@   (@   ( @  (@  (@@  (@   (@  8  h@   h@   h   h  h@@   h@  "8@@   h@@  h@ Sheet1q?Sheet2d@Sheet3T >2CDlevel.ZStandard English: Displays a lack of understanding, use and modeling of Standard English. Circle performance If D, check reason.]Transitions: Transition procedures presented are haphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, and UMaterials and Supplies: Procedures presented for handling materials and supplies areYNon-Instructional Duties: Procedures presented for handling non-instructional duties arePVolunteers and Paraprofessionals: Procedures presented for volunteers and para-!bprofessionals are haphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, and will result in loss of instructionalVMonitoring of Student Behavior: Indications of how student behavior will be monitoredSResponse to Student Behavior: Given methods for responding to student behavior are TSafety and Arrangement of Furniture: Fails to use standard safety procedures in the$Xdoes not support learning of all students. Some aspects of the lesson may be physicallyRAccessibility to Learning and Use of Physical Resources: The physical arrangement8F(s)he will inform families/caregivers about the instructional program.YInformation about the Instructional Program: Provides little or no information about how,Awill contact families/caregivers about their individual children.YInformation about Individual Students: Provides little or no information about how (s)he&aattempts to provide for involvement of families/caregivers in regard to the instructional programPEngagement of Families/Caregivers in the Instructional Program: Makes few or no?and/or classroom activities.fStudent: _______________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________________3>Suggestions for Improvement:XTeacher-Student/Student-Student Interactions: Fails to provide a structure that ensures-TActive Engagement in Learning: Does not establish a positive classroom climate thatElements\Diversity: Provides little or no information about meeting the needs of a diverse classroom DCreating a Positive Classroom Environment (2.1k-2.3k, 2.21s, 2.23k)+ population.2polite, respectful, and cooperative interactions. 'fosters active engagement in learning. =Managing Classroom Procedures (2.6k-2.12k, 2.6s-2.8s, 4.16k) +will result in loss of instructional time. Whaphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, and will result in loss of instructional time. V Vhaphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, and will result in loss of instructional time.time.5Managing Student Behavior (2.13k, 2.15k-2.18k, 2.6s) Freflect lack of understanding related to monitoring student behavior. E inappropriate./Organizing Physical Space (2.19k-2.22k, 2.18s) physical environment.inaccessible for some students.3Communicating with Families/Caregivers (4.1k-4.2k)( WExpectations: Rules related to student behavior reflect lack of clear expectations and ,are not based on accepted behavioral theory.EV D = Developing; C=Competent; E=ExemplaryD Descriptors for C and E on the following page.: C q1_  F  dMbP?_*+%\Y&C&"Arial,Bold"&12Classroom Management Plan Rubric &10Managing the Classroom Environment &?'?)?M6hp deskjet 960cXC od,,LetterDINU"4$ŪF $$$$"d,,??U} m } I} $} }    ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '}fStudent: _______________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________________3> "#######$"  % Circle performance &()*)CElements)))+(  ,level. +-......./-  0 If D, check reason. /S1DCreating a Positive Classroom Environment (2.1k-2.3k, 2.21s, 2.23k)+ 22222223  4D  4C  4Ek5\Diversity: Provides little or no information about meeting the needs of a diverse classroom 6666666&HK7 - population......../I89 g5XTeacher-Student/Student-Student Interactions: Fails to provide a structure that ensures-6666666&E89 ; -2polite, respectful, and cooperative interactions.  ......./I89 c 5TActive Engagement in Learning: Does not establish a positive classroom climate that 6666666&E89 0 -'fosters active engagement in learning.  ......./E89 L 1=Managing Classroom Procedures (2.6k-2.12k, 2.6s-2.8s, 4.16k)  22222223 JD 4C 4El 5]Transitions: Transition procedures presented are haphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, and  6666666&HK7 4-+will result in loss of instructional time. ......./I89 d5UMaterials and Supplies: Procedures presented for handling materials and supplies are6666666&E89 f-Whaphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, and will result in loss of instructional time. V ......./I89 h5YNon-Instructional Duties: Procedures presented for handling non-instructional duties are6666666&E89 _-Vhaphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, and will result in loss of instructional time......../I89 _5PVolunteers and Paraprofessionals: Procedures presented for volunteers and para-!6666666&E89 k?bprofessionals are haphazard, inefficient, or nonexistent, and will result in loss of instructional)))))))+E89 -time......../I:; D15Managing Student Behavior (2.13k, 2.15k-2.18k, 2.6s) 22222223  JD  4C  4Ef5WExpectations: Rules related to student behavior reflect lack of clear expectations and 6666666&HK7 5?,are not based on accepted behavioral theory.)))))))+L89 e5VMonitoring of Student Behavior: Indications of how student behavior will be monitored6666666&E89 U-Freflect lack of understanding related to monitoring student behavior. E ......./I89 b@SResponse to Student Behavior: Given methods for responding to student behavior are 6666666&E89 Ainappropriate......../I:; >1/Organizing Physical Space (2.19k-2.22k, 2.18s) 22222223  JD  4C  4Ec5TSafety and Arrangement of Furniture: Fails to use standard safety procedures in the$6666666&HK7 ?physical environment.)))))))+I89 BXHXI8_TX2Yy; '! '" '# '$ '% '& '' '( ') '* '+ ', '- . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 Z6 J7 8 9 : ; < = > ? a 5RAccessibility to Learning and Use of Physical Resources: The physical arrangement8 6666666&E89 a!?Xdoes not support learning of all students. Some aspects of the lesson may be physically!)))))))+E89 ("-inaccessible for some students."......./I:; B#13Communicating with Families/Caregivers (4.1k-4.2k)( #22222223 # JD # 4C # 4Eh$5YInformation about the Instructional Program: Provides little or no information about how,$6666666&DK7 O%-F(s)he will inform families/caregivers about the instructional program.%......./I89 h&5YInformation about Individual Students: Provides little or no information about how (s)he&&6666666&F89 J'-Awill contact families/caregivers about their individual children.'......./I89 _(5PEngagement of Families/Caregivers in the Instructional Program: Makes few or no?(6666666&F89 j)?aattempts to provide for involvement of families/caregivers in regard to the instructional program))))))))+F89 %*-and/or classroom activities.*......./I89 i+<ZStandard English: Displays a lack of understanding, use and modeling of Standard English.+=======>G:; %,5Suggestions for Improvement:,6666B66666& - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6_6 V D = Developing; C=Competent; E=Exemplary 6M6!D Descriptors for C and E on the following page.6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 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